2021 edition of the Home Care Survey - FAQ

  1. What is the New Brunswick Home Care Survey?
  2. What is the purpose of this survey?
  3. Who is conducting this survey?
  4. What is home care?
  5. Who will be selected to take part in this survey?
  6. I recently completed a survey about the services I received from the Extra-Mural Program. Why have I received another survey?
  7. How will I know that I have been selected to participate in this survey?
  8. When could I receive a letter to participate in this survey?
  9. I want to complete a survey – what if I don’t receive one?
  10. I/my insurance pays for care services, will I receive your survey?
  11. What if I do not want to participate?
  12. The survey has arrived for someone who is recently deceased. What should I do?
  13. How long will it take to complete the survey?
  14. Is there an online version of the survey I can fill out?
  15. What kind of questions will the survey ask?
  16. Why is it important for citizens to respond to this survey?
  17. Can someone help me to fill out the survey?
  18. How will you be protecting my personal information?
  19. Who do I call if I have any questions or concerns?



1. What is the New Brunswick Home Care Survey?

This survey is an opportunity for citizens to express their opinions about the home care services they receive in New Brunswick. In this survey, home care includes services received from health professionals through the Extra-Mural Program (for example a nurse, a physiotherapist or a respiratory therapist) as well as personal care from a home support worker (for example taking a bath, getting dressed, housekeeping or meal preparation).



2. What is the purpose of this survey?

This province-wide survey will evaluate the quality of home care services provided to New Brunswickers. The results of this survey will be shared with the public, and will help identify what is being done well and what could be done better.



3. Who is conducting this survey?

The New Brunswick Health Council (NBHC) is an independent organization that measures, monitors and evaluates New Brunswick’s health care system performance and population health, as well as engaging citizens in the improvement of health service quality. The surveys will be administered by PRA Inc., an independent research company, on behalf of the NBHC.



4. What is home care?

Home care is a range of health and support services received at home that help individuals achieve and maintain optimal health, well-being and functional ability through a process of assessment, case coordination, and/or the provision of services. Home care includes services received from health professionals through the Extra-Mural Program (for example a nurse, a physiotherapist or a respiratory therapist) as well as personal care from a home support worker (for example taking a bath, getting dressed, housekeeping or meal preparation).



5. Who will be selected to take part in this survey?

Names will be chosen from a list of patients who receive home care services that are entirely or partially covered by public funds. In New Brunswick, there are two different types of publicly funded home care services.

Health services received at home such as nursing care, physiotherapy or respiratory therapy are funded entirely by the Department of Health under the Extra-Mural Program. These services are managed by Medavie Health Services New Brunswick and delivered by EM/ANB Inc.

Home support services such as housekeeping and meal preparation are funded entirely or partially by the Department of Social Development under the Long Term Care Program or the Disability Support Program. The Department of Social Development either retains the services of a home support agency on behalf of its clients, or clients may choose to receive services from private individuals.



6. I recently completed a survey about the services I received from the Extra-Mural Program. Why have I received another survey?

You may have recently completed a home care survey from Medavie Health Services New Brunswick about the services you received from the Extra-Mural Program. The questionnaire you may receive from the New Brunswick Health Council is a different survey. By taking the time to complete our survey, you will help us inform New Brunswickers on the performance of our health care system and help us compare the results to our previous surveys.



7. How will I know that I have been selected to participate in this survey?

Not all citizens will be asked to participate in this survey. Citizens selected to participate will receive a bilingual paper questionnaire and a personalized letter from the New Brunswick Health Council to inform them that they have been selected. The surveys will be mailed by PRA Inc., an independent research company, on behalf of the New Brunswick Health Council.



8. When could I receive a letter to participate in this survey?

The survey packages will be mailed starting in March 2021 and will continue for about three months.



9. I want to complete a survey – what if I don’t receive one?

To have the most accurate results, only citizens who have recently received home care services for which costs are entirely or partially covered by public funds are eligible to participate in this survey. The New Brunswick Health Council is committed to actively engaging citizens in quality improvement. Even if you did not have a chance to participate in this survey, there will be other opportunities for you to make a difference in the health care system.



10. I/my insurance pays for care services, will I receive your survey?

Citizens are eligible to be selected for the survey if any portion of their Home Care costs is covered by Social Development. If 100% of the cost for these services is paid by the citizen (including insurance coverage), then they are not eligible for the survey.



11. What if I do not want to participate?

Participation in this survey by selected citizens is completely voluntary. A second survey package will be sent a few weeks after the first mailing as a reminder to complete this survey. If you would like to remove your name from the survey list, please call the New Brunswick Health Council at the toll-free number 1-877-225-2521. You will be asked to provide your name and mailing address. This information is required in case there is more than one patient with the same name.



12. The survey has arrived for someone who is recently deceased. What should I do?

Every effort is made to make sure this survey is not sent to patients who have passed away. If a grieving family member receives this, please accept our heartfelt sympathy and sincere apology. If you wish, you may respond to this survey on behalf of your loved one. If you choose not to respond, we will respect your wishes.



13. How long will it take to complete the survey?

This survey is a unique opportunity for citizens to share their views on the home care services they receive in New Brunswick. This survey will take 20 minutes or more to complete, depending on the number and the type of home care services received.



14. Is there an online version of the survey I can fill out?

Yes, those selected for the survey will receive this information in the letter that will be sent with the questionnaire. This letter will have an address for the online version of the survey and a personal identification number (PIN), which you will be asked to provide at the beginning of the online survey.



15. What kind of questions will the survey ask?

New Brunswickers will be asked questions about their experiences with the home care programs and services they have used. The surveys include questions that measure the quality of services, such as timely access, communication with home care providers, coordination of care, safety, overall satisfaction, and to what extent they are receiving services in their preferred language of service.



16. Why is it important for citizens to respond to this survey?

When possible, many New Brunswickers want the ability to be cared for at home, rather than in a hospital, special care home or nursing home. Home care services can help people stay in their own home and function as independently as possible in the context of their daily lives. The New Brunswick Home Care Survey is a unique opportunity for citizens in all communities to share their views and help drive improvements in home care services. The results of this survey will provide information that can be used for strategic planning for the future of our province. This is your chance to tell us about your home care experience, so if you receive the letter, please take the time to complete the survey and make your opinion known.



17. Can someone help me to fill out the survey?

If you wish, you can have a friend, family member or volunteer assist you in completing the survey. To ensure the best result, please do not ask your home care provider to assist you in completing the survey.



18. How will you be protecting my personal information?

Answers to this survey will be kept strictly confidential. The New Brunswick Health Council will take all the necessary steps to ensure that all patient information is protected and secure. This survey adheres to the privacy laws of New Brunswick under the Personal Health Information Privacy and Access Act (PHIPAA - http://www.gnb.ca/0051/acts), the Right to Information and Protection of Privacy Act (RTIPPA - http://laws.gnb.ca/en/ShowTdm/cs/R-10.6), and the Family Services Act (http://laws.gnb.ca/en/showdoc/cs/F-2.2).

Survey results are always presented in aggregate form, which means that information is never released or reported in a manner that could be used to disclose your identity. Home health care providers and home support workers will not know how you responded to this survey.



19. Who do I call if I have any questions or concerns?

If you have any questions or would like to have more information about this survey please call the New Brunswick Health Council toll-free number 1-877-225-2521 or email us at info@nbhc.ca.