Lisa has 17 years of experience as an RN and is in her final year of the Masters of Nursing, Nurse Practitioner (NP) program at the University of New Brunswick. Upon completion of this program, she plans to return to work in a Primary Care setting as an NP while also supporting the Long-term Care (LTC) sector.
The past 8 years of Lisa’s career were spent in a leadership capacity in LTC. She was the Director of Clinical Practice for a retirement and LTC organization overseeing clinical practice in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Ontario. She was also the organizational Infection Control Specialist. Lisa has experience in Emergency and Intensive Care, Family Medicine, Telehealth, and Palliative Care.
Lisa holds a CNA Gerontological Nursing Certification and Certification in Infection Control from the Certification Board of Infection Control and Epidemiology. She is a Graduate Student Teaching Assistant in the undergraduate Nursing Program and a Graduate Research Assistant for the Strengthening a Palliative Approach in Long-term Care project.
Lisa is also a surveyor for Accreditation Canada which she sees as a great opportunity to support LTC homes in continuous quality improvement. She looks forward to further influencing quality improvement in the healthcare sector through her role on the New Brunswick Health and Senior Care Council.