About Framework measurement
The New Brunswick Health Council reports on the performance of the provincial health system by measuring and informing about the outcomes of health care service delivery.
It also examines how these outcomes influence the health of the population and how the health system responds to the health needs of the population within the context of resource utilization.
To measure and report on the outcomes of the health system, NBHC leverages the dimensions of quality to assess the performance of the different sectors of care that comprise the different services and programs delivered to citizens.
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In New Brunswick, health services can be grouped into 4 major sectors of care.

In addition to being accountable for performance within each sector, health service organizations share responsibilities that go beyond the four sectors and affect the overall health system.
For example, the performance of one sector can impact the performance of other sectors. Therefore, the NBHC also measures and reports on overall health system performance by assessing these shared areas of responsibility.