Paulette Richard

Past Council Member
Past Paulette Richard

Paulette Richard, from her BSc. in Physiotherapy from Université de Montréal to her work today as President of BellRich Consultants, has advanced her understanding and practice of Physiotherapy, while helping others to do the same. Richard has served on the Boards of Capitol Theatre, Theatre New Brunswick, the College of Physiotherapists of New Brunswick and the Economic Development Corporation of the City of Dieppe.

Sport in the province has benefitted from her efforts with the Sports Medicine Council of New Brunswick, as the Co-Chief Medical Officer of the World Junior Track and Field Championships in 2010, and as the person responsible for therapy services as the 2013 National Track and Field competition in Moncton. Richard currently serves as a member of the Board of Directors of Friends of the Centre hospitalier universitaire Dr Georges L Dumont.