Citizens [who have been diagnosed or treated for one (1) or more of the 12 first chronic health conditions in the questionnaire and who take prescription medications on a regular basis] who reported that a pharmacist helps them the most when they need hel
Citizens [taking prescription medications on a regular basis] who reported that a pharmacist helps them the most when they need help in understanding how to take their medications
Citizens who reported that they or someone else in their household has problems with memory loss that interferes with day-to-day function, such as paying bills, preparing meals, or taking medications
Citizens [with any chronic health condition asked in the questionnaire] who are very confident in controlling and managing their health condition
Citizens [with any chronic health condition asked in the questionnaire] who strongly agree that they know how to try to help prevent further problems with their health condition
Citizens who always or usually talk to a health professional about things they could do to improve their health or prevent illness like stop smoking, drink less alcohol, eat better, and exercise
Citizens who reported that they felt that they needed to see or talk to a health professional in the last 12 months about their mental or emotional health, or their use of alcohol or drugs
Citizens who reported that they saw or talked to a health professional about their mental or emotional health, or their use of alcohol or drugs in the last 12 months
Citizens who reported they felt they needed to see or talk to a health professional about their mental or emotional health, or their use of alcohol or drugs in the last 12 months, but did not