Alta. pilot sees doctors, nurses screening for financial difficulty

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June 06, 2022

Instead of giving new prescriptions or recommending lifestyle changes to a patient who’s having difficulty making ends meet, physicians in an Alta. health network are asking patients about their financial circumstances to adapt the care and direct them to appropriate resources. Doctors may also be less likely to prescribe a pricey medication and be more understanding if a patient misses an appointment to pick up a shift at work. Through the pilot, providers found they were able to take concrete steps to assess the impact of financial strain for individual patients. The project was inspired by the work of national physicians' groups to encourage screening patients for financial strain and prescribing tax returns as they're required to access different kinds of income support.
La santé financière au coeur de l’approche de certains médecins albertains - Radio-Canada
Money is still the top source of stress for Canadians and many feel less hopeful about their financial futures - FP Canada

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