Angus Reid shows majority of Canadians displeased with provinces on healthcare

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June 22, 2022

The survey found that 72% of respondents were critical of their provincial governments when it comes to healthcare. Only 25% thought their provinces were managing healthcare well, the lowest number in eight years of tracking. Other findings include:

  • Over half of survey respondents saw healthcare as a top provincial issue, ranking only behind the rising cost of living and inflation, which was a concern for 63%;
  • While a majority in every demographic said their provinces were failing on healthcare, women were more critical than men, with at least three quarters stating their provinces were performing poorly, compared to two thirds of men;
  • Respondents 55 and older were also more likely to see healthcare as the top provincial issue; and

The survey didn't find bright spots for N.B. in residents’ appraisal of the provincial government's performance. Four-in-five men and women and every age group believe the government has handled the health system poorly. Those in N.B. and N.L. were the most critical in believing their provincial governments were performing poorly. The most praise came from Sask. and N.S., where 30% approved of their governments' handling of healthcare. Still, negative opinions outnumbered positive ones by two-to-one in those provinces.

Soins de santé : les Canadiens mécontents des provinces, selon un sondage - News 24
Medical leaders call for urgent federal action on healthcare exodus exacerbated by pandemic - The Globe and Mail (sub. req.)

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