Canadian Patient Safety Institute offers guidelines to help healthcare organizations communicate after patient safety incidents

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NBHC Care Experience
August 14, 2017

The Canadian Patient Safety Institute made available Communicating After Harm in Healthcare guidelines to help healthcare organizations throughout the process of communicating after patient safety incidents that resulted in harm. The document can help to guide organizations with strategies and tactics for communicating harm in healthcare with various audiences including social media. Its purpose is to provide support for healthcare and health professional organizations that need to share information about patient safety incidents that caused harm. Guiding principles include:

  • Putting the patient first;
  • Being honest, open and transparent;
  • Balancing privacy and transparency;
  • Maintaining trust; and
  • Communicating in a hypersocial world.

Autres nouvelles:
Communication après un préjudice lié aux soins de santé - ICSP

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