CBoC study finds boosting treatment for depression creates economic growth, lowers care costs

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January 30, 2018

The Conference Board of Canada notes that 53% of individuals diagnosed with depression receive adequate care. According to a study, if that number was boosted to 75%, it would result in $2.6 billion in increased economic activity annually, while reducing healthcare costs by about $5.7 million a year. CBoC's data find that of the 1.3 million Canadians with depression:

  • Seventeen percent are working full-time and are fully functioning at work;
  • Forty percent are working full-time but at a reduced level of functioning;
  • Twenty percent work part-time because their illness prevents them from working full-time; and
  • The remaining 23% are unable to work.

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Même de petites améliorations apportées au traitement de la dépression peuvent avoir des retombées importantes sur la santé et l’économie au Canada - CBC

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