CMA says national tracking system or healthcare staff can alleviate shortages

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August 11, 2022

As provinces focus solely on recruitment and hiring, healthcare experts warn simply promising to hire more staff without a plan will result in failure. The Canadian Medical Association (CMA) believes one of the reasons behind the crunch in human resources across the country is because there’s no plan to ensure enough healthcare employees are being trained or any projections on how many positions or specialties are needed. While other countries have a tracking system in place, surveys would be needed across all provinces to see how many staff members and vacancies there are. This data would need to be housed and it should be updated regularly. The system would need to be linked to the education system to see how many students and seats there are in medical schools and nursing programs. The CMA also calls for a pan-Canadian licensure to make physicians more mobile to ease pressure on rural and remote communities and scaling up virtual care.
Crise dans le système des soins de santé du Canada : ce dont nous avons besoin maintenant - AMC
National system for tracking medical staff shortages could prevent future crises at hospitals, advocates say - Globe and Mail (sub. req.)

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