First Nations patients in Alta. more likely to leave ERs without treatment

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April 21, 2024

Highlighting an issue that goes beyond Alta., the University of Alberta analyzed data between 2012 and 2017, concluding nearly 7% of First Nations patients left ERs before being seen or against medical advice. That's nearly twice the rate for non-Indigenous patients. Research suggests discrimination or stereotyping in the health system may contribute to the higher figures among the First Nations community, while problems associated with transportation may exacerbate issues with access to care. The study also found a greater proportion of First Nations patients came back to the ED within 72 hours of leaving and about one in 20 (in First Nations and non-First Nations groups alike) needed to be hospitalized upon returning. The findings align with Australian research that found more Indigenous patients chose to leave EDs before being seen.
Les patients des Premières Nations plus susceptibles de quitter les hôpitaux sans soins - Radio-Canada

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