NBHC Care Experience
December 10, 2018
In a survey, Infoway discovered that 84% of primary care physicians and 89% of specialists access health information electronically, outside of their main practice. While an earlier survey indicated that 40% of patients want digital telehealth services, just 4% of primary care physicians and 9% of specialists are equipped to conduct virtual care interviews. Other findings from the latest Infoway survey include:
- Eighty-two percent of primary care physicians and 77% of specialists say they provide more efficient care with EHRs;
- Thirty-one percent of primary care physicians report optimized EHR use; and
- Thirty-eight percent of primary care physicians and 47% of specialists offer at least one virtual care or e-service, mainly e-mail.
La santé numérique transforme l'approche des soins adoptée par les médecins au Canada - Inforoute