Man. study shows people living near exercise trails at a lower of heart disease

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June 07, 2022

The University of Manitoba-led study found that living close to a trail used for walking, running and cycling leads to an 8% reduction in the risk factors for heart disease. Researchers also found a 12% to 15% decrease of cardiovascular disease risk factors for those within 400-1,200 meters of a trail. However, they say the level of impact depends on the trail itself: it must be useful, nearby and part of a continuous network. The 20 kilometres of trails in Winnipeg that were studied attracted 5,000 cyclists every week, adding up to 1.6 million cycling trips over a five-year period. The study shows expanding trails could reduce heart disease risk factors for more residents. 
Les personnes vivant près de sentiers pédestres ou cyclistes ont une meilleure santé - La Tribune

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