Nearly a quarter of people skip doses, split pills, don’t fill prescriptions due to cost

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February 13, 2024

The poll also found 10% of Canadians with chronic conditions ended up in the ER due to worsening health because they were unable to afford prescription medications. The survey, commissioned by Heart & Stroke and the Canadian Cancer Society, found that 16% don't have enough coverage, with 27% finding it difficult to afford the cost of prescriptions. Twenty-eight percent had to cut back on groceries, delay rent, mortgage or utility bills to afford prescription drugs. The organizations are calling on the federal government to table pharmacare as soon as possible to address the issue.
Un sondage national révèle que près d’une personne sur quatre au pays coupe des comprimés, saute des doses de médicaments ou ne se procure pas leur prescription en raison de leur coût - Coeur + AVC

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