NPs picking up slack of growing demand for MAiD services, but many doing it for free

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November 20, 2023

Under federal law, nurse practitioners can assess patients for medically assisted death and perform the service. However, many provincial jurisdictions don't have a mechanism for NPs to be paid for MAiD services, leading many to perform the work at no charge. The Nurse Practitioner Association of Canada says B.C. is making progress on different compensation models to address the issue, while Alta. is in the early stages of figuring it out. However, compensation for NPs in the provinces is tied to decades-old salary models, meaning work outside their normal nursing jobs isn't paid. In N.L., under a new rule, NPs can file up to five extra hours to do a MAiD assessment or provision outside of regular work shifts. The association calls for more flexible payment models so NPs can practice to their full scope.
Des infirmières praticiennes qui administrent l'AMM ne sont toujours pas payées - La Presse canadienne

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