Ont. human rights commission aiming to put a stop to anti-Indigenous discrimination in healthcare

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April 22, 2024

Anti-Indigenous discrimination and racism in the healthcare system is a key determinant of poor Indigenous health outcomes. As part of this project, OHRC’s launching an online survey to gather information about lived experiences from First Nations, Inuit, Métis, and urban Indigenous people who experienced discrimination when receiving healthcare services. The survey also seeks input from family members, caregivers, service providers and others who have witnessed Indigenous-specific discrimination in healthcare. The OHRC intends to work with Indigenous partners to develop human rights policy guidance.
La Commission ontarienne des droits de la personne annonce l’élaboration d’une politique pour combattre la discrimination envers les Autochtones dans le système de soins de santé de l’Ontario - Commission ontarienne des droits de la personne

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