Pilot project at Miramichi Regional Hospital speeding up MRI services

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March 23, 2023

The pilot resulted in the number of patients being seen almost doubling since 2021, increasing from 56 patients to 83 patients per week. Team members' suggestions included revising forms physicians are completing, streamlining clerical workflow, adding team members, changing scheduling for patients and staff and infrastructure upgrades to the MRI. Patients willing to travel to the hospital for MRI imaging can reduce their wait times and the service is open to patients from Vitalité facilities. Improvements are expected to be made to Horizon’s other four major hospitals and the plan’s to take the improvements and apply them to other areas, such as CT scans.
Augmentation du nombre de rendez-vous d’IRM grâce à des mesures d’optimisation - Réseau de santé Horizon

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