New Brunswick Health Spending in 2022

Total Health Spending

In 2022,

  • Percentage of GDP: total health spending accounted for 15% of New Brunswick’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
  • New Brunswick’s portion of GDP that was spent on health was the 2nd highest in Canada and higher than the Canadian average of 12%.

GDP is the total value of all goods and services produced within one year in a specific region (e.g., New Brunswick) and is used to measure the size of the region’s economy.

  • Per capita spending: New Brunswick spent $8,410 per person (per capita) on health. This comprised over ⅔ of total per capita spending from the public sector ($5,904) and ⅓ from the private sector ($2,506). 

Per capita refers to the actual amount spent per person.

Although New Brunswick’s portion of GDP spent on health was the 2nd highest in Canada, the per capita spending on health in N.B. amounted to $8,410, the second lowest in the country.

Changes Over Time

  • Total per capita health spending has been increasing over time in both New Brunswick and in Canada in general.
  • In 2022, the gap between New Brunswick and Canada was narrowing, due to a minimal increase in per capita health spending in Canada in general.

Public Sector Spending

In 2022,

  • Public sector per capita health spending in New Brunswick was the second lowest in Canada.
  • Provincial government sector per capita health spending accounted for the largest share of public sector health spending per capita, totaling $5,310 out of $5,904.


Changes Over Time

  • In 2022, as New Brunswick’s provincial sector per capita health spending increased at a faster pace compared to the Canadian average, the gap between N.B. and Canada in general has been narrowing.

Public sector spending includes health care spending by governments and includes provincial government sector, federal direct sector, municipal government sector and social security funds.

Private Sector Spending

In 2022,

  • Per capita spending: Private sector per capita health spending in New Brunswick ($2,506) was higher than the national average ($2,456).
  • Private sector per capita health spending on medications was the highest in the country ($899).

Private sector spending is spending that is paid directly by the patients and/or by their private health insurance for health services such as medications, physiotherapy, dentistry, counseling, etc.

Areas of Health Spending

Where is the money being spent on health in New Brunswick?

In 2022,

  • Top Three Areas: Hospitals, medications, and other institutions were among the top three areas of health spending in New Brunswick.
  • In Canada, on average, the top three areas were hospitals, medications, and physicians. 

Comparison Across Provinces

In 2022,

  • Allocation differences: New Brunswick’s spending on hospitals, medications and administration were higher than the Canadian average. 
  • New Brunswick’s spending on physicians was the lowest in Canada. 

For detailed information on specific spending categories, consult CIHI's National Health Expenditure Trends, 2024 — Methodology Notes (