Hospital Patient Care Experience Survey Results

21 February 2017

The New Brunswick Health Council (NBHC) is publishing Hospital Patient Care Experience in New Brunswick, the results of its most recent survey.

The report highlights three main findings:

This document presents the results for 16 (of 56) indicators from the 2016 edition of the New Brunswick Hospital
Patient Care Experience Survey. The results are presented at the provincial, hospital and regional health authority levels. The document focuses on the indicators that measure overall satisfaction, cleanliness and preferred language of service.

  • Report (PDF)
  • Infographic (PDF)
  • Detailed data (Excel)
  • Survey page

  • Hospital rating
    (PNG, EPS)
  • Cleanliness
    (PNG, EPS)
  • Preferred language
    (PNG, EPS)
  • Hospital map
    (PNG, EPS)
  • Overall satisfaction has improved
  • Cleanliness remains an area for improvement
  • More patients are receiving services in their preferred language

In 2016, 78.9% of New Brunswickers rated their hospital stay favourably, which is higher than previous survey results in 2010 (75.9%) and 2013 (75.4%).

“New Brunswickers use this survey to share their praise and concerns with our hospitals,” said Stéphane Robichaud, CEO of the NBHC. “Improving health system performance by sharing their experiences, they support better health services for all of us.”

The report presents 16 of the 56 indicators from the survey and in many cases results allow for comparisons to be made with previous years. The survey was designed to capture overall satisfaction with hospital services, perception of the quality of hospital services and patient self-perception, based on what citizens have shared. The survey includes experiences related to the admission process, communication with nurses and doctors, responsiveness of staff, pain control, cleanliness of their room and bathroom, and their transition from hospital to home.

“We’re excited about the new format of the report, as well as being able to make all 56 indicators available in an Excel format to make them more accessible for health system stakeholders,” said Robichaud. “This gives an opportunity for all hospital staff to review the results and to make the best use of them to support their improvement efforts.”

To see the complete results, the NBHC invites New Brunswickers to visit the NBHC website, where results are available for 20 acute care hospitals in the province. An Excel file is also available to download at to interact with all the indicators from the survey.

The NBHC has been established as an independent organization that measures, monitors and evaluates New Brunswick’s health system performance through a citizen-centered dual mandate of performance measurement and citizen engagement.


New Brunswick Health Council: Frank Vandenburg, 506-869-6728,