Provincial Health Plan - Progress Report

13 December 2022


The New Brunswick Health Council releases first quarterly progress report on the Provincial Health Plan

On December 13th, 2022, the New Brunswick Health Council (NBHC) released its first quarterly progress report on the Government of New Brunswick’s Provincial Health Plan, “Stabilizing Health Care: An Urgent Call to Action”. 

The Provincial Health Plan includes 35 deliverables across five Action Areas: Access to Primary Health Care, Access to Surgery, Create a Connected System, Access to Addictions and Mental Health Services, and Support Seniors to Age in Place. According to the progress report received by the Department of Health, 8 deliverables are complete, 23 are in progress, and 4 have not yet started. 

“The NBHC is pleased to be able to provide our first progress report on the Provincial Health Plan,” says Stéphane Robichaud, Chief Executive Officer. “The information in this report was provided to us by the Department of Health and is meant to give citizens a status update on the commitments made in November 2021”. 

Moving forward, the NBHC will provide quarterly progress updates on the deliverables under the five Action Areas on its website at: In addition, over the coming months, the NBHC will be releasing additional contextual material, based on available data, about the Action Areas in order to provide citizens with a clearer picture of the current state of population health and health service quality in these areas. The first round of materials for release will focus on Access to Primary Health Care. 

“Through our surveys and performance measurement tools, the NBHC already has some data regarding four of the five Action Areas within the Provincial Health Plan,” says Robichaud. “Our team is working diligently to produce materials that will help citizens across the province to better understand the local realities in their respective health zones. It is our hope that, as the Provincial Health Plan progresses each quarter, we will develop an improved understanding of the performance of our health care system around each of these pillars.”

For more information about the New Brunswick Health Council: 


For interview requests with the New Brunswick Health Council, please contact: 

Nay O’Leary
Communications & Digital Content Specialist
Phone: 506-869-6870 
Email: Nay.O’ 


For interview requests with the Department of Health, please contact:

Adam Bowie
Department of Health
Government of New Brunswick