StatCan: Women make up the majority of paid care workers in the country

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January 28, 2022

Statistics Canada says the report’s the first study of its kind to provide a detailed portrait of paid care workers in Canada.. It also examines how the pandemic affected the employment of workers in the care economy. It found that about three million people were employed in paid care occupations, making up nearly 19% of the total employed population. Women represented the majority of paid care workers in 2016. Almost four in 10 female care workers were RNs and registered psychiatric nurses, elementary school and kindergarten teachers, nurse aides, orderlies and patient service associates or early childhood educators and assistants. At the onset of the pandemic, both men and women in care occupations experienced employment losses but women suffered greater losses. Women's monthly employment throughout 2020 remained lower than in the same months of 2019, while men's employment recovered faster.
Étude : Les femmes occupant un emploi rémunéré dans les professions de soins à autrui - Statistique Canada
Cri du coeur pour une prime salariale permanente au Nouveau-Brunswick - Radio-Canada

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