- This article, based on CIHI's National Health Expenditure data, provides a comprehensive look at how resources are allocated to meet the province's health needs.
- An article on youth mental health leveraging the results from the 2023-2024 edition of the New Brunswick Student Wellness and Education Survey.
- An article on patients’ experience with hospital care in New Brunswick leveraging the results from the 2023 edition of its Hospital Acute Care Survey.
- An article that delves into the current state of primary care, providing a comprehensive picture that considers the international, national, and provincial landscapes.
- The following observations are drawn from the results of the grades 6 to 12 survey, with a special focus on mental health and substance use.
- Access to surgery relates to the waiting time for a surgical procedure. Common surgeries include hip and knee replacement, cancer surgeries, and more.
- In New Brunswick, 85.4% of citizens have a primary care provider, either a family doctor (82.2%) or a nurse practitioner (3.6%). Only 1 in 3 citizens who have a primary care provider can get an appointment within 5 days, and this proportion…
- Health care spending, also called health spending or health expenditure, refers to the amount/proportion of money that is being spent by the Government of New Brunswick and New Brunswick residents for health-related needs.
- In Brief Providing care in non-traditional settings, such as home care services (HSS), is indispensable to ensuring the viability of the health care system and to supporting older citizens to age independently at home and in their communities for…
- Accessibility and availability of services have improved over time for citizens who receive home care. The proportion of patients receiving home care services who reported that their services started as soon as they thought they needed them…
- Indicators of student mental health are trending in the wrong direction. The proportion of students in grades 6 to 12 who reported experiencing symptoms of anxiety or depression has increased. In 2021-2022, 47.8% of students reported symptoms of…