The Recommendation Process

The Act creating the NBHC specifically references recommendations from the Council being provided to the Minister of Health. Beyond that, there was no guidance given as to how this was to be carried out.

The initial 2011 recommendations were developed in line with the work the Council was working on at the time. In 2012, the question arose as to whether new recommendations ought to be created, or whether more time ought to be allocated for work to take place on the 2011 recommendations. This uncertainty persisted for a number of years until it was decided in 2016 that the NBHC would present recommendations annually while also reporting on those that had been made in previous years. In addition, the process by which recommendations are identified and developed has become clearer and more consistent.

There have been many lessons learned in association with the engagement mechanisms and evaluation work of the NBHC since 2008. These learnings have not only benefited Council members and staff, but also stakeholders throughout the province with either an influence or an interest in health service quality improvement. The learnings cover a broad number of topics and activities. Therefore, to develop an annual focus, the NBHC will also look at the issues and priorities which are currently engaging the health system, and use the intersection of these two elements to choose a topic for the upcoming year’s recommendations.

Where appropriate, the recommendations will focus on communities and be presented in a manner mindful of a Triple Aim approach (better care, health, and cost) while keeping in mind the Council’s emphasis on health service quality and population health.

Once an area of focus is selected, the NBHC will consult a wide variety of stakeholders on the topic of the recommendations, including the Department of Health and the Regional Health Authorities, but also former senior government officials and community stakeholders. Multiple exchanges will also take place with staff and Council members during working groups and council meetings. In addition, the Council staff will take advantage of additional opportunities to share and validate its approach as appropriate. 

Visuals and additional tools such as infographics may be created to support understanding and dissemination of the recommendations, and once the final materials are ready, and have received the final approval of the Council, they will presented to the Minister of Health by the Chair and the CEO of the Council.