Immigrant status for the population in private households - all ages The description is not yet available. Indicator
Immigrant status during a 5 year period of immigration for the population in private households - all ages The description is not yet available. Indicator
Visible minority for the population in private households - all ages The description is not yet available. Indicator
Language spoken most often at home for the population in private households, English - all ages The description is not yet available. Indicator
Language spoken most often at home for the population in private households, French - all ages The description is not yet available. Indicator
Language spoken most often at home for the population in private households, English and French - all ages The description is not yet available. Indicator
Language spoken most often at home for the population in private households, indigenous languages - all ages The description is not yet available. Indicator
Language spoken most often at home for the population in private households, languages other than English, French or indigenous languages - all ages The description is not yet available. Indicator
English as the language used most often at work for the population in private households who worked - age 15 and over The description is not yet available. Indicator