Survey Questionnaires

The NBHC conducts surveys on care experience and population health in New Brunswick. Below is a list of the questionnaires used for each survey, organized by survey cycle. For more information on survey results, click here.

Acute Care Survey

The Acute Care Survey evaluates the quality of hospital care from the perspective of New Brunswick patients who receive these services.

2019 edition - Questionnaire

2016 edition - Questionnaire

2013 edition - Questionnaire

2010 edition - Questionnaire


Home Care Survey

The Home Care Survey evaluates the quality of publicly funded home care in New Brunswick, from the perspective of citizens who receive these services.

2021 edition

2018 edition

2015 edition

2012 edition


Primary Health & Primary Care Surveys

The Primary Health & Primary Care Surveys aim is to understand and report on New Brunswickers self-rated health, and their experiences with the primary health services in their communities. 

2022 edition - Questionnaire

2020 edition - Questionnaire

2017 edition - Questionnaire

2014 edition - Questionnaire

2011 edition - Questionnaire


New Brunswick Student Wellness Survey

The New Brunswick Student Wellness Survey is conducted in all public schools across New Brunswick. It aims to evaluate several aspects of students’ wellness, including their social and emotional development, physical health, substance use, and experiences at school and in the community.

2022-2023 edition (Grades K to 12)

2021-2022 edition (Grades 6 to 12)

2019-2020 edition (Grades K to 5)

2018-2019 edition (Grades 6 to 12)

2016-2017 edition (Grades K to 5)

2015-2016 edition (Grades 6 to 12)

2013-2014 edition (Grades K to 5)

2012-2013 edition (Grades 6 to 12)