This indicator is the percentage of citizens who most often go to the after-hours clinic or walk-in clinic when sick or in need of care from a health professional.
This indicator is the percentage of citizens who most often go see their nurse practitioner when sick or in need of care from a health professional.
This indicator is the percentage of citizens who most often go see their family doctor when sick or in need of care from a health professional.
This indicator is the percentage of citizens who were admitted to a hospital or health facility in the last 12 months.
This indicator is the percentage of citizens [with a nurse practitioner as their primary care provider] who visited their nurse practitioner in the last 12 months.
This indicator is the percentage of citizens who have used ambulance services in the last 12 months.
This indicator is the percentage of citizens who visited an alternative practitioner in the last 12 months, based on their responses to 7 individual questions related to alternative practitioners.
This indicator is the percentage of citizens who visited an acupuncturist in the last 12 months.
This indicator is the percentage of citizens who visited an osteopath in the last 12 months.
This indicator is the percentage of citizens who visited a homeopath in the last 12 months.