This indicator is the percentage of students in grades 6 to 12 who report that getting to class on time is very important or important to them.
This indicator is the percentage of students in grades 6 to 12 who report that participating in school activities outside of class is very important or important to them.
This indicator is the percentage of students in grades 6 to 12 who report that making friends is very important or important to them.
This indicator is the percentage of students in grades 6 to 12 who report that getting good grades is very important or important to them.
This indicator is the percentage of students in grades 6 to 12 who, on average, spend 2 hours or more a day using electronic devices for entertainment on weekends.
This indicator is the percentage of students in grades 6 to 12 who, on average, spend 2 hours or more a day using electronic devices for entertainment on weekdays.
This indicator is the percentage of students in grades 6 to 12 who strongly agree or agree that most people around here would try to take advantage of you if they got the chance.
This indicator is the percentage of students in grades 6 to 12 who strongly agree or agree that they could ask for help or a favour from neighbours.
This indicator is the percentage of students in grades 6 to 12 who strongly agree or agree that there are good places to spend your free time (recreation centres, parks, shopping centres).
This indicator is the percentage of students in grades 6 to 12 who strongly agree or agree that you can trust people around here.