This indicator is the percentage of average number of hours and minutes of sleep of students in grades 6 to 12 on school nights. This indicator is based on the Canadian 24 Hour Movement Guidelines for Children and Youth.
This indicator measures the number of cancer surgeries recommended to be completed within 3 months that are waiting to be completed, as of the last reported day of the quarter. The category is based on the New Brunswick Clinical Acuity Model and is…
This indicator mesures the number of cancer surgeries recommended to be completed within 3 months that have been completed during the reported 3-month period. The category is based on the New Brunswick Clinical Acuity Model and is classified by the…
This indicator measures the number of cancer surgeries recommended to be completed within 6 weeks that are waiting to be completed, as of the last reported day of the quarter. The category is based on the New Brunswick Clinical Acuity Model and is…
This indicator mesures the number of cancer surgeries recommended to be completed within 6 weeks that have been completed during the reported 3-month period. The category is based on the New Brunswick Clinical Acuity Model and is classified by the…
This indicator measures the number of coronary artery bypass graff surgeries waiting to be completed, as of the last reported day of quarter. Data is based on place of service (where the surgery is performed) and is reported quarterly.
This indicator measures the number of coronary artery bypass graft surgeries completed during the reported 3-month period. Data is based on place of service (where the surgery is performed) and is reported quarterly.
This indicator mesures the number of cataract surgeries that are waiting longer than one year to be completed, as of the last reported day of quarter. The number of procedures reported are a subset of those from the indicator "Number of cataract…
This indicator measures the number of knee replacement surgeries waiting to be completed, as of the last reported day of quarter. Data is based on place of service (where the surgery is performed) and is reported quarterly.
This indicator measures the number of cataract surgeries completed during the reported 3-month period. Data is based on place of service (where the surgery is performed) and is reported quarterly.