Population Health
These sets of indicators are organized based on the Population Health Model. Together, they provide a comprehensive view of the people who live, learn, work and take part in activities and community life in the province.
Primary Health Survey
The Primary Health survey aims to better understand and report on New Brunswickers' self-rated health determinants, their use and their experiences with primary health services in their communities. The survey results are available at the provincial, health zone and NBHC community levels across four survey cycles: 2011, 2014, 2017 and 2020.
Student Wellness and Education Survey
This survey aims to understand and report on several aspects of students’ wellness and education.
Home Care Survey
This survey evaluates the quality of publicly funded home care in New Brunswick from the perspective of citizens who receive these services.
Population Health Profiles 2022 - St. Stephen, Saint Andrews, Campobello Island Area
This overview of the health and well-being of people who live, learn, work and take part in activities in our province is designed to create a shared understanding of our local unique realities.
This community is part of Zone 2 - Fundy Shore and Saint John Area
Municipalities included in this community are:
- Andersonville
- Baillie
- Barter Settlement
- Bartletts Mills
- Basswood Ridge
- Bayside
- Bethel
- Bocabec
- Burnt Hill
- Campobello
- Campobello Island
- Canoose
- Chamcook
- Crocker Hill
- Dewolfe
- Digdeguash
- Dufferin
- Dumbarton
- Elmsville
- Flume Ridge
- Hayman Hill
- Heathland
- Hering Cove Provincial Park
- Honeydale
- Johnson Settlement Charlotte Co
- Lawrence Station
- Leverville
- Little Ridge
- Lynnfield
- Mayfield
- Ministers Island National Historic Site of Canada
- Mohannes
- Moores Mill
- Oak Bay
- Oak Bay Provincial Park
- Oak Haven
- Oak Hill
- Old Ridge
- Pleasant Ridge Charlotte Co
- Pomeroy Ridge
- Rollingdam
- Saint Andrews
- Saint Croix
- Saint Croix Provincial Park
- Saint David
- Saint James
- Saint Patrick
- Saint Stephen
- Scotch Ridge
- Sherrif Andrews House Provincial Heritage Place
- St. David Ridge
- St. Stephen
- Tower Hill
- Upper Mills
- Waweig
- Welshpool
- Wilsons Beach
- Andersonville
- Barter Settlement
- Basswood Ridge
- Bethel
- Burnt Hill
- Baillie
- Bartletts Mills
- Bayside
- Bocabec
- Campobello
- Campobello Island
- Chamcook
- Dewolfe
- Dufferin
- Elmsville
- Hayman Hill
- Hering Cove Provincial Park
- Johnson Settlement Charlotte Co
- Leverville
- Lynnfield
- Ministers Island National Historic Site of Canada
- Moores Mill
- Oak Bay Provincial Park
- Oak Hill
- Pleasant Ridge Charlotte Co
- Rollingdam
- Saint Croix
- Saint David
- Saint Patrick
- Scotch Ridge
- St. David Ridge
- Tower Hill
- Waweig
- Wilsons Beach
- Canoose
- Crocker Hill
- Digdeguash
- Dumbarton
- Flume Ridge
- Heathland
- Honeydale
- Lawrence Station
- Little Ridge
- Mayfield
- Mohannes
- Oak Bay
- Oak Haven
- Old Ridge
- Pomeroy Ridge
- Saint Andrews
- Saint Croix Provincial Park
- Saint James
- Saint Stephen
- Sherrif Andrews House Provincial Heritage Place
- St. Stephen
- Upper Mills
- Welshpool