- The Population Health Snapshot is a representation of the health of the population, at a given point in time.
- In New Brunswick, approximately 3,900 youth have perceived mental health needs that are not met.
- 5% of N.B. students in grades 6 to 12 experience food poverty. This group of children counts among our most vulnerable, facing several risk factors.
- In a universal health system like the one in Canada and New Brunswick, the primary care provider is the first point of access.
- The ability to see a primary health care provider (family doctor or nurse practitioner) in a timely manner has an impact on the use of emergency rooms and after-hours clinics as the usual place of care, according to the article In search of better…
- The New Brunswick Health Council (NBHC) is launching its fourth survey about the quality of home care in the province. Citizens who have recently received home care services for which costs are entirely or partially covered by public funds may…
- Consistently over time, every person born in New Brunswick has been expected to live longer on average (life expectancy at birth), compared to previous generations.