2021 Home Care Survey

The 2021 edition of the Home Care Survey was completed by 7,786 citizens between January and March 2021. Survey respondents were asked questions about their experiences with several key dimensions of health care quality such as accessibility, safety, provider/client communication, client and family-centered care, and overall satisfaction with services.

The results were released on August 30, 2022.


Key Observations from 2021 Edition

  • The proportion of patients receiving home care services who reported that their services started as soon as they thought they needed them has improved in the last decade. 
  • Generally, citizens are satisfied with the home care services they are receiving. 
  • Although the percentage of citizens who reported being offered services in their official language of choice remained stable, there was a decline in those who indicated always receiving their services in their preferred language.

For more information on the 2021 findings, consult our web article: Key observations from 2021 edition of Home Care Survey.