Citizens who reported that other personal or family responsibilities [not included in other survey categories] contribute a lot to feelings of stress in the last 12 months
Citizens who reported that their own physical health problem or condition contributes a lot to feelings of stress in the last 12 months
Citizens who reported that their personal relationships contribute a lot to feelings of stress in the last 12 months
Citizens who reported that their personal safety or their family's safety contributes a lot to feelings of stress in the last 12 months
Citizens who reported that school, college or university contributes a lot to feelings of stress in the last 12 months
Citizens who reported that time pressures or not having enough time contribute a lot to feelings of stress in the last 12 months
Citizens who reported that their own work situation contributes a lot to feelings of stress in the last 12 months
Parents of students in grades K to 5 who report that their child has received a diagnosis for: learning disability
Parents of students in grades K to 5 who report that their child has received a diagnosis for: physical disability
Parents of students in grades K to 5 who report that their child has received a diagnosis for: mental health disability