This indicator is the percentage of citizens receiving home care services from the Extra-Mural Program who reported that it was very easy to get information before they started receiving their services.
This indicator is the percentage of citizens receiving home care services from the Extra-Mural Program who reported that they know who to contact if they have a complaint about their services.
This indicator is the percentage of citizens receiving home care services from the Extra-Mural Program [and contacted the EMP office in the last 2 months] who reported that they received the help or advice they needed within a few hours of…
This indicator is the percentage of citizens receiving home care services from the Extra-Mural Program [and contacted the EMP office in the last 2 months] who reported that they always got the help or advice they needed when contacting the office.
This indicator is the percentage of citizens receiving home care services from the Extra-Mural Program who are very confident in controlling and managing their health condition.
This indicator is the percentage of citizens receiving home care services from the Extra-Mural Program [and taking new prescription medications] who reported that the staff talked with them about the side-effects of their new prescription…
This indicator is the percentage of citizens receiving home care services from the Extra-Mural Program [and taking new prescription medications] who reported that the staff talked with them about when to take their new prescription medications in…
This indicator is the percentage of citizens receiving home care services from the Extra-Mural Program [and taking new prescription medications] who reported that the staff talked with them about the purpose for taking their new prescription…
This indicator is the percentage of citizens receiving home care services from the Extra-Mural Program who reported that someone from the program asked to see all the medications they were taking.
This indicator is the percentage of citizens receiving home care services from the Extra-Mural Program who reported that when they first started receiving services, someone from the program talked with them about all the medications they were taking.