This indicator is the percentage of citizens receiving home care services from the Extra-Mural Program who reported that they have been diagnosed or treated for asthma.
This indicator is the percentage of citizens receiving home care services from the Extra-Mural Program who reported that they have been diagnosed or treated for arthritis.
This indicator is the percentage of citizens receiving home care services from the Extra-Mural Program who reported that they have been diagnosed or treated for anxiety.
This indicator is the percentage of citizens receiving home care services from the Extra-Mural Program who reported that they have been diagnosed or treated for alzheimer’s disease or another form of dementia.
This indicator is the percentage of citizens receiving home care services from the Extra-Mural Program who strongly agree that the staff kept them well-informed about their progress.
This indicator is the percentage of citizens receiving home care services from the Extra-Mural Program who reported that someone from the program told them what type of services they would be getting.
This indicator is the percentage of citizens receiving home care services from the Extra-Mural Program who strongly agree that their family caregiver received information that they wanted from the program when they needed it.
This indicator is the percentage of citizens receiving home care services from the Extra-Mural Program who reported that the staff always kept them informed about when they would arrive at their home in the last 2 months.
This indicator is the percentage of citizens receiving home care services from the Extra-Mural Program who reported that when they first started receiving extra-mural services, the staff allowed them to set their goals and priorities.
This indicator is the percentage of citizens receiving home care services from the Extra-Mural Program who strongly agree that the staff discussed with them about the type of information that could be shared with family or friends.