This indicator is the percentage of citizens who reported that they consulted with their primary care provider in the last 12 months.
This indicator is the percentage of citizens who reported that their last consultation with their primary care provider was for a health concern or problem that needed medical care.
This indicator is the percentage of citizens who reported that their last consultation with their primary care provider was for a regular checkup that was scheduled in advance.
This indicator is the percentage of citizens who reported that their last consultation with their primary care provider was for a prescription renewal.
This indicator is the percentage of citizens who reported that their last consultation with their primary care provider was virtual.
This indicator is the percentage of citizens who reported that their last consultation with their primary care provider was in-person.
This indicator is the percentage of citizens [who consulted with their primary care provider in the last 12 months] who used an after-hours clinic or a walk-in clinic in the last 12 months because their primary care provider was not available when…
This indicator is the percentage of citizens [who consulted with their primary care provider in the last 12 months] who used a virtual clinic such as eVisitNB in the last 12 months because their primary care provider was not available when they…
This indicator is the percentage of citizens [who consulted with their primary care provider in the last 12 months] who used Tele-Care 811 in the last 12 months because their primary care provider was not available when they needed medical care.
This indicator is the percentage of citizens [who consulted with their primary care provider in the last 12 months] who consulted with a specialist in the last 12 months because their primary care provider was not available when they needed medical…