This indicator is the percentage of citizens [who consulted with their primary care provider in the last 12 months] who consulted with a pharmacist in the last 12 months because their primary care provider was not available when they needed medical…
This indicator is the percentage of citizens [who consulted with their primary care provider in the last 12 months] who used another service in the last 12 months because their primary care provider was not available when they needed medical care.
This indicator is the percentage of citizens [who consulted with their primary care provider in the last 12 months] who used a hospital emergency department in the last 12 months because their primary care provider was not available when they needed…
This indicator is the percentage of citizens [among those who consulted with their primary care provider in the last 12 months] who used one or more other health care services in the last 12 months because their primary care provider was not…
This indicator is the percentage of citizens [who consulted with their primary care provider in the last 12 months] who consulted with an allied health professional in the last 12 months because their primary care provider was not available when…
This indicator is the percentage of citizens who reported that their primary care provider or another primary care provider in the same practice offers consultations on Saturday or Sunday.
This indicator is the percentage of citizens who reported that their primary care provider does not offer consultations on Saturday or Sunday.
This indicator is the percentage of citizens who do not know if their their primary care provider offers consultation on Saturday or Sunday.
This indicator is the percentage of citizens who reported that their primary care provider or another primary care provider in the same practice offers consultations after 5 pm on a weekday.
This indicator is the percentage of citizens who reported that their primary care provider does not offer consultations after 5pm on a weekday.