Note: Due to the extremely low number of parents who responded, results for this edition of the survey are deemed not to be representative of the overall student and parent population. Therefore, results at the school, district, sector, and provincial levels are not to be used for planning or compared to previous editions of the survey.


n/a = Not applicable / not available
S = Data suppressed due to confidentiality requirements and/or small sample size

About this Table

Content and description

This table presents data collected from parents/guardians of students in kindergarten to grade 5 through the New Brunswick Student Wellness and Education Survey (SWES).

Why it’s important

Only when we understand who our students are and what their needs are can we better plan for services and allocate resources to meet their health and educational needs.

Availability of the data

Due to the very low response rate for the parent/guardian questionnaire, some schools will not receive their K to 5 results due to the extremely low number of parents/guardians who responded. While schools will be able to compare their results in this data table to their school district, school sector and overall New Brunswick, these results will not be available on the NBHC web site for the 2023-2024 edition of this survey.

Due to this very low response rate, survey results are deemed to be not representative of the overall student and parent/guardian population. Therefore, results at the school, district, sector, and provincial levels are not to be used for planning or comparing to previous editions of the survey.

More information is available on our New Brunswick Student and Education Wellness Survey page.

Note about demographic groups:

In 2023, the NBHC undertook a review of the demographic questions in its surveys to more accurately report on the experience of citizens who identify with particular groups. As such, starting in 2024, all demographic groups (characteristics) have been adjusted to reflect this change. Data tables and indicator pages were adjusted to allow for trending where applicable.