This indicator is the percentage of citizens receiving home care services from a home support worker who reported that they had problems with the services they received from their home support worker in the last 2 months.
This indicator is the percentage of citizens receiving home care services from a home support worker who reported that they had a problem getting the information they needed about their services.
This indicator is the percentage of citizens receiving home care services from a home support worker who reported that there were limits or reductions in the types of services available.
This indicator is the percentage of citizens receiving home care services from a home support worker who reported that there were limits or reductions in the duration of services or the number of hours available.
This indicator is the percentage of citizens receiving home care services from a home support worker who reported that their services helped them stay at home in the last 2 months.
This indicator is the percentage of citizens receiving home care services from a home support worker who reported that it was very easy or somewhat easy to get information before they started receiving their services.
This indicator is the percentage of citizens receiving home care services from a home support worker who reported that it was very easy to get information before they started receiving their services.
This indicator is the percentage of citizens receiving home care services from a home support worker who reported that they know who to contact if they have a complaint about their services.
This indicator is the percentage of citizens receiving home care services from a home support worker who reported that it was very easy or somewhat easy to fill out all the necessary paperwork before they started receiving services.
This indicator is the percentage of citizens receiving home care services from a home support worker who reported that it was very easy to fill out all the necessary paperwork before they started receiving services.