Primary Health Survey and Primary Care Survey
This indicator is the percentage of citizens who do not have a primary care provider (family doctor or nurse practitioner).
This indicator is the percentage of citizens who felt they needed to see or talk to a health professional about their mental or emotional health, or about the use of alcohol or drugs in the last 12 months but did not because they thought that the…
This indicator is the percentage of citizens who felt they needed to see or talk to a health professional about their mental or emotional health, or about the use of alcohol or drugs in the last 12 months but did not because of reasons other than…
This indicator is the percentage of citizens with one or more chronic health conditions (among a list of 12 conditions) who reported that they are very confident in managing their health condition.
This indicator is the percentage of citizens [with a primary care provider] who don't know if they can consult professionals other than doctors or nurse practitioners at the same place as their primary care provider for their health problems.
This indicator is the percentage of citizens who can consult professionals other than doctors or nurse practitioners at the same place as their primary care provider for their health problems.
This indicator is the percentage of citizens who reported that they were able to get an appointment with their primary care provider within 5 days.
This indicator is the percentage of citizens who reported that they were able to get an appointment with their primary care provider on the same day or the next day.
This indicator is the percentage of citizens who reported that they were somewhat or very satisfied with the health care services they received during their last virtual consultation.
This indicator is the percentage of citizens whose last virtual consultation who agree or strongly agree that their health concerns or problems were addressed successfully during their last virtual consultation.