This indicator is the percentage of parents or guardians of students in grades K to 5 who report that they read on most days (not for work).
This indicator is the percentage of parents or guardians of students in grades K to 5 who report spending more than 2 hours per day of screen time.
This indicator is the percentage of students in grades K to 5 who are overweight or obese, according to their height and weight, as reported by a parent or guardian.
This indicator is the percentage of students in grades K to 5 who identify as Indigenous, as reported by a parent or guardian.
This indicator is the percentage of parents who participated (grades K-5).
This indicator is the percentage of eligible public schools (grades K-5) that participated at the provincial level and have received their survey results. This indicator is the percentage of public schools that achieved a response rate sufficient…
This indicator is the percentage of students in grades 6 to 12 who report they agree or strongly agree that kindness/empathy is valued and taught.
This indicator is the percentage of students in grades 6 to 12 who report they agree or strongly agree that respect for others is valued and taught.
This indicator is the percentage of students in grades 6 to 12 who report they agree or strongly agree that their school is good at preventing bullying.
This indicator is the percentage of students in grades 6 to 12 who report they agree or strongly agree that adults deal with bullying quickly whenever it happens.