
n/a = Not applicable / not available
S = Data suppressed due to confidentiality requirements and/or small sample size

About this Table

Content and description
Data on self-reported information regarding the needs of New Brunswickers. Topics include self-reported health status as well as the needs and perceived unmet needs for mental health and substance use services.

Why it is important
The results from the Primary Care Survey allows the NBHC to inform citizens and health system stakeholders about the quality of primary health care services from citizens’ perspectives. This information can be used to make future improvements to primary health care in the province.

Availability of the data
The information for this data table is available at different geographical levels as well as by demographic groups. More information is available on our Primary Care Survey page.

Note about demographic groups
In 2023, the NBHC undertook a review of the demographic questions in its surveys to more accurately report on the experience of citizens who identify with particular groups. As such, starting in 2024, all demographic groups (characteristics) have been adjusted to reflect this change. Data tables and indicator pages were adjusted to allow for trending where applicable.