This indicator is the percentage of students in grades K to 5 who self-identify as Black (for example, African, Afro-Caribbean, African Canadian descent), as reported by a parent.
This indicator is the percentage of parents of students in grades K to 5 who are physically active for at least 30 minutes on most days or guardian.
This indicator is the percentage of parents of students in grades K to 5 who are physically active with their child 3 or more days per week or guardian.
This indicator is the percentage of students in grades K to 5 who pass at least one hour on most days taking part in physical activity, as reported by a parent or guardian. This indicator is based on the Canadian 24 Hour Movement Guidelines for…
This indicator is the percentage of students in grades K to 5 who are not born in Canada and have lived here 5 years or less [among those who are immigrants], as reported by a parent or guardian.
This indicator is the percentage of students in grades K to 5 who are not born in Canada and have lived here 1 to 2 years [among those who are immigrants], as reported by a parent or guardian.
This indicator is the percentage of students in grades K to 5 who identify as immigrants (not born in Canada), as reported by a parent or guardian.
This indicator is the percentage of students who are in grade 5, as reported by a parent [among those who are in kindegarten to grade 5].
This indicator is the percentage of students who are in grade 4, as reported by a parent [among those who are in kindegarten to grade 5].
This indicator is the percentage of students who are in grade 3, as reported by a parent [among those who are in kindegarten to grade 5].