
n/a = Not applicable / not available
S = Data suppressed due to confidentiality requirements and/or small sample size

About this Table

Administrative data from the Provincial Surgical Access Registry regarding surgical wait times in New Brunswick. Surgical procedures included are: hip replacement, knee replacement, cataract surgery, coronary artery bypass graft as well as cancer related surgeries.

The table provides information about wait times for surgeries, calculated from the day that a citizen and their surgeon determine that a surgery is needed, and the citizen is ready to receive it, until the day that the surgery is completed.

Data is available on a quarterly basis. Data regarding median wait times, percentage of surgeries completed within benchmark and the number of surgeries completed is based on a 3-month reporting period. Data about the number of surgeries waiting, including those waiting longer than 1 year, refer to the last reported day of each quarter.

For more information, visit Wait Time - Surgical Wait Time in New Brunswick (